Record recovery of 42.45% in the state

Record recovery of 42.45% in the state

KalimNews, Kalimpong, 13 June 2020: Todays report states a record highest spike of increase in new cases and active cases.

In the state 454 new cases (1 day before-476, 2 days before- 440) as well as  12 death (1 day before-9, 2 days before-10) and 332 recovery (1 day before-218, 2 days before-209) is recorded today.

The total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in West Bengal is 10698 (1 day before-10244, 2 days before-9768) while active cases is 5693 (1 day before-5587, 2 days before-5338). The death toll from the disease till now is 463 (1 day before-451, 2 days before-442).

After recovery of the infection 4542 (1 day before-4206, days before-3988) are released from the hospital and the rate of recovery has increased to 42.45%

The testing of swab samples for Covid-19 in 45, ICMR testing labs is being done at a very good rate and today 9008 (1 day before-8758, 2 days before-9522) samples within 24 hour were tested that tally 324707 (1 day before-315699, 2 days before-306941) till now since day 1.   

Today 157632 persons (1 day before-157289, 2 days before-156392) are currently under home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance and total 274841 persons (1 day before-272562, 2 days before-271014) were in the home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance.

WEST BENGAL New cases Confirmed Cases Active Cases Recovered
Total Today 463 454 10698 5693 4542
1 day before 451 476 10244 5587 4206
2 days before 442 440 9768 5338 3988
Today 12     106 336
1 day before 9     249 218
2 days before 10     221 209

WEST BENGAL SAMPLE TESTS Home quarantine Released Institutional quarantine Released
Total Today 324707 274841 117209 14941 80803
1 day before 315699 272562 115273 17036 77947
2 days before 306941 271014 114622 18671 75612
 Today 9008 157632      
1 day before  8758 157289      
2 days before 9522 156392      

Number of people released from home quarantine was 117209 (1 day before-115273, 2 days before-114622).

Currently in the 582 institutional government quarantine centres there are    14941 persons (1 day before-17036, 2 days before-18671) and so far from these centres 80803 persons (1 day before-77947, 2 days before-75612) were released after recovery.

Currently in the state there are 69 Hospitals dedicated for treating COVID-19, 16 Government Covid hospitals and 53 Private Covid-19 hospitals.

Today’s daily state bulletin stated that Darjeeling district has 192 confirmed cases of which 68 have recovered and 3 died while 121 are active cases. Similarly Kalimpong district has 41 confirmed cases of which 15 have recovered, 1 died and 25 are active cases. Alipurduar has 47 confirmed cases of which 27 have recovered while 20 are active cases. Jalpaiguri has 215 confirmed cases of which 76 have recovered and 139 are active cases. CoochBehar has 270 confirmed cases of which 70 have recovered and 200 are active case.

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