State govt gives strong message to GJM
A home-guard was set on fire at Pokhraybong by unidentified people. Besides, vehicles of the NHPC at Mungpoo, police booths which were not in use at Rangli Ranglihat and Rangamancha were set ablaze last night, said police sources.
North Bengal Development Minister Gautam Deb has reacted strongly against incidents of violence. He said, “No one will be allowed to play with rules and regulations. Those who have committed these violent acts will not be spared. The district administration has been directed to take strong steps against the culprits.”
The minister added, “The chief minister has clarified her approach regarding the issue of Gorkhaland. She has stated the government will not entertain any demand related to the separation of Bengal. The government is always willing to resolve the problem of Gorkhaland, but it will not initiate talks unless the Morcha comes forward.”
On the other hand, GJM president Bimal Gurung has stated the party’s is not interested for any talks with the state government. In an interview to a private TV channeltoday, he said, “We don’t want to have any negotiations with the state government regarding the Gorkhaland issue.”
The Trinamul Congress-led state government has started planning to resist the movement not only with the help of the administration, but at the political level too, said sources.
TMC All India General Secretary Mukul Roy arrived today in Siliguri and held a closed door meeting with the Darjeeling district magistrate, North Bengal I.G. and Darjeeling police superintendent at the Circuit House here.
He subsequently held another meeting with leaders of the hill TMC. Nineteen leaders attended the meeting including Rajen Mukhia, Chung Lendum Bhutia, Binni Sharma, Nilam Drukpa and others.
Roy said, "Darjeeling is an integral part of West Bengal. There is no question of division of Bengal. This is the stand of the party as well as of the state government.
We want peace and development in Darjeeling that could not be attained during the rule of the Left Front."
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