Online frauds: Cops to earmark vulnerable ATMs in Hills

Online frauds: Cops to earmark vulnerable ATMs in Hills

Amitava Banerjee | MP | 7 June 2021 |DARJEELING: In the wake of increased number of cyber crimes involving banks and ATMs occuring in this region, police decided to earmark vulnerable ATMs. 
"A profiling will be done of all banks and ATMs. The vulnerable ATMs will be earmarked," said Manish Joshi, Assistant Superintendent of Police (Town,) Darjeeling, after holding a meeting with thebankers of the district on Monday in this regard. 
Police also issued a list of do's and don'ts for the banks. 
"The coordination meeting with bank officials at the Darjeeling police town office was in line to prevent online frauds and scams," stated Joshi. 
The meeting resolved that the banks would have to ensure that CCTV cameras would have to be functional in all banks and ATMs along with the alarm systems. Monthly meetings will be held between bankers and the police. Banks will have to display a helpline number prominently. 
Customers will use this number to report fraudulent activities. Banks will also have to appoint a nodal officer who will be in close contact and will coordinate with the police. 
"Banks will also have to provide fraud forms to the complainants and will also have to inform the complainants of refund policies of the bank," added the ASP. 
Awareness and sensitisation programmes will be held on offline and online fraud along with OTP and QR codes. "Public have to be aware of such crime and remain alert. In case of such fraud they will have to inform the concerned bank and the police station (cyber cell) at the earliest," remarked Joshi. 

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