 WB records 57 death,  3274 new cases,  138870 confirmed cases, 28069  active cases, 3048 recovery, recovery rate increased to 77.78%.

WB records 57 death, 3274 new cases, 138870 confirmed cases, 28069 active cases, 3048 recovery, recovery rate increased to 77.78%.

KalimNews, Kalimpong, 23 August 2020: Rate of recovery of Covid-19 cases in West Bengal during the last 24 hours is 77.78 percent.

In the state the number of new cases also has been increasing, it has recorded 3274 new cases (1 day before-3232, 2 days before- 3245) as well as 57 death (1 day before- 48, 2 days before- 55) during the last 24 hours.

The total number of recovery is 3048 (1 day before-3088, 2 days before- 3082) and 138870 confirmed cases (1 day before-135596, 2 days before- 132364) while active cases is   (1 day before-27900, 2 days before-27804). The death toll from the disease in the state till now is 2794 (1 day before-2737, 2 days before-2689). After recovery of the infection 108007 (1 day before-104959, days before- 101871) Covid patients are released from all the Covid hospitals of the state.

The testing of swab samples for Covid-19 in 70, ICMR testing labs is being done and in the last 24 hours  37149 (1 day before-36318, 2 days before-36229) samples were tested that tally 1561311 (1 day before-1524162, 2 days before-1487884) till now since day 1.  

In the last 24 hours, 48140 persons (1 day before-47305, 2 days before- 46037) were under home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance and a total of 484325 persons (1 day before-479322, 2 days before-474665) were in the home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance till today.

Number of people released from home quarantine was 436185 (1 day-432017, 2 days before- 428628).

Currently in the 582 institutional government quarantine centres there are 2533 persons (1 day before-2559, 2 days before- 2592) and so far from these centres 107070 persons (1 day before-107017, 2 days before- 106974) were released after recovery.

Currently in the state there are 87 Hospitals dedicated for treating COVID-19, 32 Government Covid hospitals and 55 Private Covid-19 hospitals.

WEST BENGAL New cases Confirmed Cases Active Cases Recovered
Total Today 2794 3274 138870 28069 108007
1 day before 2737 3232 135596 27900 104959
2 days before 2689 3245 132364 27804 101871
Today 57        
1 day before 48       3088
2 days before 55       3082

WEST BENGAL SAMPLE TESTS Home quarantine Released Institutional quarantine Released
Total Today 1561311 484325 436185 2533 107070
1 day before 1524162 479322 432017 2559 107017
2 days before 1487844 474665 428628 2592 106974
 Today 37149 48140      
1 day before  36318 47305      
2 days before 36229 46037      

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