Fresh spell of rains, yellow alert again

Fresh spell of rains, yellow alert again

SNS, Siliguri, 18 July 2013: After a week, fresh spell of rains have started in the Dooars region in Jalpaiguri and its adjoining areas since yesterday, inundating fresh croplands, which were under floodwaters in the second week of July. 
The irrigation and waterways department, following heavy rains since last night, has hoisted yellow signal again, which was lifted a few days ago after 14 days, at Domohoni on the river Teesta to alert thousands of people living in unprotected areas. 
Since yesterday the tea belt like Banarhat in the Dooars received 268 mm rains, the highest rainfall recorded for the area this year.
Another tea belt Hasimara area received 251 mm rainfall since yesterday. Notably, Alipurduar area received 272 mm rains on 9 and 10 July, it is the highest rainfall in the Dooars region this year. The agriculture belt like Maynaguri has received 163 mm rainfall and Jalpaiguri received 103 mm and Siliguri received only 68 mm since last night. 
According to the chairman of the North Bengal Flood Control Commission (NBFCC), the Indian Meteorological Department forecasts heavy shower (i.e. nearly 125 mm) in this region in the next 24 hours. The agriculture sector was affected due to heavy showers in the second week of July and farmers fear that if the region receives heavy to very heavy rains continuously transplantation of aman paddy samplings will be delayed. 
Several seedbeds were damaged due to heavy rains and transplantation process was also delayed due to excessive rain in Jalpaiguri and adjoining areas. 
Engineers associated with the irrigation and waterways department are worried about fresh severe erosion in the flashy rivers in Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar due to fresh spell of rains as almost all rivers are in spate. 
The NBFCC chairman, Mr Gangadhar De, said: “The water level of almost all rivers are on the rising trend. 
Some rivers, including Teesta, are in spate. We have to sound an alert for the people living in unprotected areas. 
Fluctuation of water level in major rivers has aggravated the problem of erosion afresh that may hamper restoration of existing flood and bank protection works, which were damaged due to heavy rains since early July.”

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