Dengue death in Siliguri: 40 year old  Ward number 25

Dengue death in Siliguri: 40 year old Ward number 25

EOI, SILIGURI, SEPT 13, 2022: As soon as the fear of Covid-19 has subsided, dengue has spread across Siliguri. One person died of dengue early on Tuesday. Between Monday and Tuesday, 19 people have been infected with dengue. In all, 309 people have been infected with dengue in Siliguri since January 2022.
Concerned citizens are raising questions about the role of the Siliguri Municipal Corporation, the West Bengal Health Department and the administration. In just two weeks, dengue has assumed serious proportions in the Siliguri municipal area. 
A 40-year-old government employee was the first victim of dengue this year. A resident of a housing in ward no. 25, he was suffering from fever for the past several days. He was first admitted to Siliguri District Hospital. Later, when his condition deteriorated, he was shifted to a nursing home in Matigara. 
 His blood test was positive for Dengue NS1. Eight people in the complex are reported to be infected with dengue in his complex. What is causing concern to the Health Department is the sharp rise in the number of cases of dengue in the past two months. 
As of July, the number of cases in dengue was 186 in Siliguri. In the past two months, the figure has almost doubled.
Special wards have been kept ready in Siliguri District Hosptial and North Bengal Medical College and Hospital for the treatment of patients of dengue.

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