Weather today in Kalimpong- and expected weather condition: 100% possibility of rain

Weather today in Kalimpong- and expected weather condition: 100% possibility of rain

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KalimNews, Kalimpong, 9 August 2022: There was rain with thunder storm in the night and there is 56% possibility of rain today. The day is foggy and today's humidity is 100 percent.
Rainfall during the last 24 hours was 52.8 mm while the rain record for the night time till this morning was 52.4 mm. Today's temperature is 22° Celsius while the Minimum temperature was 20° Celsius and expected maximum temperature is 25° Celsius.  

The pressure recorded today is 749.3 mmHg and the wind speed is 2 kmph NE.

Rainfall (In the last 24 hrs): 52.8 mm                                                                                        Rainfall (In the night till morning) : 52.4 mm 
Possibility of rain (56%)        

Rainfall in Jaldhaka: 2.2 mm
Rainfall in Kurseong 9.8  mm
Rainfall in Darjeeling 4.0 mm 
Temp (Current): 22°C 
Temp (Expected) Min 20°C & Maxm 25°C

Humidity : 100%                                                                                                                           

Pressure: 749.3 mmHg                                                                                                                       
Windspeed: 2 kmph NE
(Source: STH, AWS Kalimpong)

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