986 new cases  , 24823 confirmed cases ,  23 death,   7705 active cases, 501 recovery

986 new cases , 24823 confirmed cases , 23 death, 7705 active cases, 501 recovery

KalimNews, Kalimpong, 8 July 2020: During the last 24 hours recovery of cases in West Bengal is equivalent to 65.62 percent. 
In the state 986 new cases (1 day before-850, 2 days before- 861) as well as  23 death (1 day before- 25, 2 days before- 22) and 501 recovery (1 day before-555, 2 days before- 524) is recorded in the last 24 hours.
The total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is 24823 (1 day before-23837, 2 days before- 22987) while active cases is 7705 (1 day before-7243, 2 days before-6973). The death toll from the disease in the state till now is 827 (1 day before-824, 2 days before- 779).
After recovery of the infection 16291 (1 day before-15790, days before- 15235) Covid patients are released from the hospital and the rate of recovery has encouragingly increased to 66.24%.

New cases Confirmed Cases Active Cases Recovered
Total Today 827 986 24823 7705 16291
1 day before 824 850 23837 7243 15790
2 days before 779 861 22987 6973 15235
Today 23       501
1 day before 25       555
2 days before 22       524

WEST BENGAL SAMPLE TESTS Home quarantine Released Institutional quarantine Released
Total Today 572523 341543 304719 5152 99634
1 day before 562137 337424 298810 5294 99338
2 days before 552007 335810 294290 5605 99027
 Today 10386 36824      
1 day before  10130 38614      
2 days before 10919 41520      

The testing of swab samples for Covid-19 in 52, ICMR testing labs is being done and in the last 24 hours 10386 (1 day before-10130, 2 days before-10919) samples were tested that tally 572523 (1 day before- 562137, 2 days before- 552007) till now since day 1.   
In the last 24 hours, 36824 persons (1 day before-38614, 2 days before- 41520) were under home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance and a total of  341543 persons (1 day before-337424, 2 days before- 335810) were in the home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance till today.
Number of people released from home quarantine was 304719 (1 day before-298810, 2 days before- 294290).
Currently in the 582 institutional government quarantine centres there are  5152 persons (1 day before-5294, 2 days before- 5605) and so far from these centres 99634 persons (1 day before-99338, 2 days before- 99027) were released after recovery.
Currently in the state there are 78 Hospitals dedicated for treating COVID-19, 25 Government Covid hospitals and 53 Private Covid-19 hospitals.

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