Revolting World
Robert J. Burrowes, KalimNews, Kalimpong, 29 July 2015: There is much that is revolting about the current world and Andre Vltchek, Christopher Black and Peter Koenig are well placed to document it, which they have done in their new book ‘The World Order and Revolution! Essays from the Resistance’.
Using a combination of political, legal and economic analyses, Vltchek, Black and Koenig carefully strip away the façade that the corporate media presents to us, and which the imperial elite wants us to believe, so that we can see some of the ugly, underlying truth about our world.
Investigative journalist, philosopher and film-maker Andre Vltchek, international criminal lawyer Christopher Black and geopolitical analyst and former World Bank economist Peter Koenig each bring many years of
deep engagement resisting the US-Europeanempire to provide unusual insight into the depth of its depravity. But if you still believe that politics involves principles, the law is about justice, economics is concerned with the equitable distribution of resources and the military is about defence, then I recommend you avoid reading this book. Having delusions exposed is invariably painful and these three authors show no interest in sparing you this pain. Because, I can assure you, the truth they reveal is painful indeed.
The first section of the book is a series of articles written by Vltchek. He travels from one country to another lookingbeneath the surface, to tell us how ordinary people are doing. His reports invariably contradict what we have been told to believe by the six corporate media conglomerates that control and disseminate propaganda as ‘news’ in the
He describes Cuba in which ‘music and dance
are synonymous with life’ and where, despite decades of being under economic
and sometimes military siege (instigated and policed by the US government),
Cuba continued to send its teachers and doctors to help poor countries all over
the world.
Vltchek draws our attention to the genocide
committed by Germany in South West Africa a century ago and mentions the
interesting detail that the first German governor of the former colony was the
father of Hitler’s deputy Hermann Goering. Germany, of course, has never
apologised or paid reparations for its genocide, let alone the ongoing
segregation that divides the now ‘independent’ Namibia ideologically, racially
and socially which even today leaves much of the African population living in
wretched poverty.
Vltchek also casts his perceptive eye on
‘cowardly’ France, the collaborationist Czech Republic, Iraqi Kurdistan, Hong
Kong and elsewhere, invariably providing a perspective you won’t read
In the second section of the book, Black –
that rarest of entities: a lawyer with a conscience and great courage –
describes his attempts in ‘international criminal tribunals’ to defend heads of
state and other prominent individuals whose primary crime was that they tried
to do the right thing by their own people and, in doing so, resisted imperial
While I have observed the legal system
trashing justice on a routine basis and both experienced and witnessed the
suffering this can cause, even I was nauseated by Black’s lengthy descriptions
of the blatant disregard of the most rudimentary principles of ‘legal process’
that we have been told we can expect since the signing of the Magna Carta in
Black spares us no detail in describing one
corrupt practice after another, which judges, prosecutors, UN officials and
others accepted without question, obviously because they had been carefully
chosen for their roles and for which they were very adequately rewarded; for
example, Louise Arbour, the chief prosecutor in one case, was later appointed a
judge of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Black describes court proceedings against
Serb President Slobodan Milosevic who was killed in a NATO prison on 11 March
2006 when it was clear that ‘there had been no crimes, except those of the NATO
alliance, and the attempt to fabricate a case against him collapsed into
farce’. Since the conviction of President Milosevic ‘was clearly not possible
after all the evidence was heard, his death became the only way out for the
NATO powers. His acquittal would have brought down the entire structure of the
propaganda framework of the NATO war machine and the Western interests that use
it as their armed fist’.
Another grotesque legal injustice was
perpetrated against General Augustin Ndindiliyimana, the most senior ranking
military officer in Rwanda in 1994. ‘General Ndindiliyimana was considered a
political “moderate” during the Rwandan War of 1990-1994, a Hutu respected by
Tutsis and Hutus alike.’ Moreover, as even witnesses for the prosecution
testified, his gendarmes did not commit crimes against civilians and tried to
protect them where they could. So why was he arrested?
As Black informs us: Ndindiliyimana was a
potential leader of his country, he refused to cooperate with the Rwandan
Patriotic Front regime installed by the United States after the war, he knew
too much about what really happened in Rwanda and who was really responsible
for the violence, he knew that UN and American forces (despite Bill Clinton’s
denials) were directly involved in the final RPF offensive of 1994 and the
murder of President Habyarimana. Most importantly, perhaps, the prosecutor used
his arrest to pressure him to give false evidence against former deputy
minister of defence in Rwanda, Colonel TheonesteBagosora, the prosecution’s
‘big fish’.Ndindiliyimana refused.
If you can stand to read Black’s careful
account of corrupt legal proceedings that seem to have no end, you will
discover that this eminently decent man, imprisoned in 2000, was at least
acquitted but not until 2014!
While Black wrote with equally compelling
testimony on other subjects – including drawing our attention to the methane
disaster now imminent in the Arctic,
with a sudden methane release equal to ten times the existing atmospheric
content of this gas now possible at any time according to the Arctic Methane
Emergency Group cites the work of Dr Natalia Shakhovaand Igor Semelitov:
see ‘Methane Hydrates: interview with Dr Natalia Shakhova (& Igor Semelitov)’– his conclusion in relation to the use of
these international tribunals is what stands out for me: ‘The international
criminal justice machine has become a weapon of total war, used not to
prosecute the criminals who conduct these wars, but to persecute the leaders of
the countries who resist.’
So what of Peter Koenig in this volume? Well
Koenig’s background working for the World Bank gives him particular insight
into neoliberal capitalism – a ‘euphemism of the empire for the complete and
ruthless exploitation of every living thing and every resource on the planet
for private profit’ – and the damage it has done.
So how does it work? Well, as I learned
from the board game ‘Monopoly’ which I played as a child, in capitalism the aim
is to own everything by wiping out the other players. Unlike the board game, however,
in the real world the major players – that is, the largest multinational
corporations and their compliant governments – use a variety of tools, only
some of which are economic, such as ‘austerity programs’ and privatization (justified,
as Koenig explains, ‘under the pretext of
“structural reforms” to “salvage” poor but often resources-rich
countries from bankruptcy’). Other tools for wiping out other players, not
included in the board game,include various legal avenues for perpetrating
injustice, such as those referred to above,and military violence (in one or
more of its various forms).
Among the issues to which Koenig draws our
attention are the imperial financial organisations, based in Washington, such
as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the so-called
‘troika’ (the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission) which
exercise disproportionate power over most national governments (as recently
illustrated by events in various European countries, including Greece). He also
highlights economic tools, such as ‘free trade’ agreements like the Transatlantic
Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which are designed toabolish national sovereignty
completely and formally enshrine corporate governance of our world.
And what is the outcome for ordinary people
of these ongoing economic incursions? Devastated lives: unemployment (or
employment on poverty wages), poverty, homelessness, deficient health services,
pension and social security cuts. In short, a life devoid of opportunityand
security as increasing numbers of people in industrialised nations start to
experience life as many know it in other parts of the world.
Koenig, of course, has suggestions. For
example, in the case of Greece: it should voluntarily exit the Eurozone. It
could look east to the possibilities offered by the Russia-China alliance. He
sees significant hope in BRICS.
But Koenig has much more to offer than I
have mentioned here and his discussion of false flag operations, such as 9/11
and Charlie Hebdo, will interest many who do not normally look as deeply as
they might. I also enjoyed the chapter which mentioned Argentina’s courageous
President Cristina Fernandez who has resisted the Empire’s financial terrorism
and publicly labelled its military terrorism too.
In essence, what this book demonstrates is
that the Empire is coming to get you too. The only question worth asking is
what weapons it will use against you? Will it suffocate you politically by
destroying your civil rights, will it destroy you economically by taking away
your chance to find meaningful work (or just bankrupt your country), will it
attack you through the legal system, bury you in propaganda until the truth is
impossible to find, kill you militarily or, one I would add, drug you into
psychological insensibility? See ‘Defeating the Violence of Psychiatry’
But the world is in revolt too and the
invitation for you to join the resistance is always open. In fits and starts,
more people are asking questions, looking behind the façade and perceiving the
ugly truth. And there are enough people around who are willing to suggest ways
to resist.Here’s a couple of suggestions of my own. Consider participating in
‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’ and signing the online pledge of ‘The People’s
Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’
The Empire has
already taken over our streets and invaded our homes (whereeven those of us who
feel least affected are still bombarded by its propaganda toinfest and befuddle
our minds).Will you join these three authors and me in resisting the
destructive forces of Empire?
Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of 'Why Violence?' His email address is and his website is at
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