State primary Edu board publishes merit list of about 9,533 candidates

State primary Edu board publishes merit list of about 9,533 candidates

MP, 1 Feb 2024, Kolkata : Following the Supreme Court’s order, the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE) published the state-wide merit list of 9,533 candidates for the primary teachers’ recruitment process 2022 on Wednesday. 
However, these recommendations by the Board and issuance of appointment letters by the respective District Primary School Councils are subject to the final result of the writ petition, which is being heard at the Supreme Court. 
The Board in the publication list cited the order passed by SC: “Having regard to the fact that as against 11,758 posts in different subjects in various categories in all districts of the State of West Bengal, the respondents have found only 9,533 eligible candidates, including the additional panel of 5 per cent candidates, it is deemed appropriate to permit the respondents to declare the merit list with a rider that it should be stated in clear terms that the appointments made shall be subject to the outcome of the present petitions. 
The letters of appointments to be issued to the successful candidates shall also specifically state that their appointments will be subject to the outcome of the present petitions.” 
However, in explanation to the remaining vacant seats after the appointments of the mentioned merit list candidates are made, the Board President Gautam Pal on Wednesday informed that for the time being it will remain vacant. 
However, the Board is trying to make the appointment within a week. Furthermore, the Board has for the first time provided breakup of marks obtained in the merit list published to ensure transparency in the process. It was also informed that the next recruitment process will start only after the completion of the current process. 

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