SCC suggests levelling of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway tracks on NH55

SCC suggests levelling of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway tracks on NH55

DHR tracks should be levelled with the National Highway from the Darjeeling to Ghoom 8-km stretch so that vehicles can also ply, resulting in easing traffic snarls during tourist rush.
Amitava Banerjee | MP | 21 Sept 2023 | Darjeeling: Members of the Station Consultative Committee (SCC) for the Darjeeling Railway Station have put forward a host of suggestions, including the levelling of the railway tracks with National Highway (NH) 55 on the Darjeeling to Ghoom stretch to ease traffic snarls. 
Representatives of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) have assured to consider this suggestion after a thorough consultation as the DHR has been ascribed a world heritage tag. 
“At the meeting, we stated that the DHR tracks should be levelled with the National Highway from the Darjeeling to Ghoom 8-km stretch so that vehicles can also ply, resulting in easing traffic snarls during tourist rush. 
The National Highway authorities also claim to have written to the Railways regarding this and are awaiting a nod. We requested the Railways to facilitate it at the earliest,” stated Mukunda Raj Baraily, Councillor, Darjeeling Municipality, who is also a member of the SCC. 
A meeting of the SCC was held in Darjeeling on Wednesday. 
On certain stretches, the DHR tracks are elevated. “We will put forward this proposal to the Divisional Railway Manager. It will be studied by the Heritage committee of the Railways as DHR has been ascribed a world heritage by UNESCO. 
Changes have to be carefully considered in order to continue the heritage tag,” stated Priyanshu, Director, DHR. 
Baraily further stated that they had requested the DHR to provide service for locals on the lines of a daily passenger train between Sonada and Darjeeling so that they can avail the benefits of the DHR and it is not restricted to being a mere ornamental value for them. 
“There should be special provision for students to avail the facilities of the Joy Ride at subsidised rates and chances to visit the Railway museum. This way, they will appreciate the rich history and heritage which will go a long way towards conserving the DHR,” added the municipal councillor. 
The SCC is meant for large and important stations like Darjeeling and New Jalpaiguri. The term of each committee is two years. 
“The purpose of such station committees is so that the station users can give proposals and suggestions on requirements of passenger amenities and also create awareness on various issues,” stated Asif Ali, Area Manager, NJP. 
The DHR was inscribed a world heritage by UNESCO on December 2, 1999. 
Courtesy & source- Millennium Post

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