Liquor sales in Sept highest ever in state at Rs 2,165 crore

Liquor sales in Sept highest ever in state at Rs 2,165 crore

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MP | 15 Oct 2022 | Kolkata: The state government has earned a record revenue of Rs 2,165 crore by selling the highest quantity of liquor so far in the last month. This is for the first time the state has crossed the Rs 2,000 crore mark. 
According to sources, the state government has achieved a growth of 29 per cent for the first six months of this fiscal from March to September. 
As many as 12 other states have already replicated the Bengal model after being impressed by the price structure of the state, the official added. Senior officials in Delhi are visiting Bengal to know more about the said model that helped it earn record revenue so far. "
The state has achieved a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21 per cent between 2014-15 and 2021-22. 
For most of the other states, it was a 10 per cent average growth. In 2021-22, the total liquor sale was Rs 18,000 crore. 
The state has its target to cross the Rs 20,000 crore mark this year," a senior excise department official said. The excise revenue of the state government has gone up from Rs 3,587 crore in 2014-15 to Rs 13,543 crore in 2021-22. 
The main motto of the department is to ensure that people do not take illicit liquor. The department has also initiated a process of re-engineering for the last few years that includes an E-abgari model with the help of the National Informatics Centre. 


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