Kalimpong too restricts movement from Sikkim Screening of people entering Bengal begins at Melli, Rangpo points

Kalimpong too restricts movement from Sikkim Screening of people entering Bengal begins at Melli, Rangpo points

SNS, SILIGURI, 21 July 21 : After Darjeeling, Kalimpong district, which shares its borers with Sikkim, has made it mandatory for all people entering the district front the neighboruing Himalayan state to produce either a Covid-19 negative RT-PCR test report or a double vaccination certificate.
The development comes after the state reported at least 97 cases of the Delta variant of the coronavirus. The variant has been found in genome sequenced samples from Sikkim. The Darjeeling district administration has also imposed similar restrictions on the entry of people from Sikkim.
Kalimpong District Magistrate Vimala Ranganathan issued an order saying that in order to control the spread of Covid-19 and in exercise of the powers conferred under the West Bengal Epidemic Disease Covid-19 Regulations, 2020, all people, including drivers of vehicles and passengers, entering the district through the border points at Rongpo and Melli should mandatorily carry either the Rapid Antigen Test negative report conducted within 48 hours of the arrival, or a negative RT-PCR report conducted 72 hours prior to the entry, or a double dose Covid19 vaccination certificate.
Ms Ranganathan said the order will be effective tomorrow.
Administrative sources said that the police in Kalimpong had been asked to ensure compliance of this order. The health department will depute their staff to assist the police.
Sources also said that the health department, with help from the Kalimmpong Police, has already started screening people entering BengaI from Sikkim at the Rangpo and Melli border points.
A noted physician and cardiologist of north Bengal, Dr Sekhar Chakraborty, who studied the variant, on the other hand, said the virus spreads fast through its high transmissibility and capacity to evade immune responses.
"The Delta variant has a higher potential to infect humans, triggers the demand for oxygen among patients. Its footprint has expanded in India alongside the second wave," Dr Chakraborty said. he cautioned that people must not let their guard down.
According to experts, the highly transmissible Delta variant of SARS- CoV-2, which was first identified in India, is one of the drivers of the deadly second wave.
The World Health Organisation has classified the variant Delta (B.I.617.2) as well as offshoots-AY. I and AY.2 as variants of concern.
Meanwhile, anticipating the third wave of Covid-19, experts have suggested that the authorities take up immediate containment measures in districts and clusters that include preventing crowds from intermingling aggressive testing, prompt tracing as well as vaccine coverage to a wide range of population on a priority basis.

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