"Positive case rate in  rapid antigen test 3 pc'

"Positive case rate in rapid antigen test 3 pc'

SANKHA GHOSH, SNS, SILIGURI, 22 AUGUST :  The health department has estimated that the rate of positive cases through the Rapid AntigenTest is around three percent in Darjeeling district.

The random tests to trace Covid- 19 cases began in the nine blocks in the district and the Siliguri Municipal Corporation (SMC) area this month.

"Around 300 rapid antigen tests on an average are conducted daily in the blocks, and we have found that the rate of positive cases is around three percent," said a senior health department official.

The antigen tests yield quick results, which can be obtained in 30-45 minutes, but the tests have shortcomings, while it is known to deliver false negative reports. The nasopharyngeal swab is examined in antigen tests. If a sample tests positive, it will be considered positive, but if any of those testing negative is symptomatic (mild or moderate) of Covid- 19, he or she will be subjected to the confirmatory RT-PCR test.

Meanwhile, in Darjeeling district, the department had earlier identified around three persons as 'super

spreaders' of the virus (those who spread the novel coronavirus to at least 10 or more contacts) in the SMC area. Officials said that the data had shown they together had infected as many as 100 persons. "A phuchka seller had infected around 40 persons, and there had been two fruit sellers from whom at least 40 more persons had contracted the virus. But they all have recovered," they said.

On the other hand, 350 persons in the district are undergoing treatment in home isolation, while 450 persons have recovered. Of the 350, around 85 percent are residents of the civic body area. Health department sources said a team of Covid warriors (who have recovered from Covid -19) are monitoring the condition of those patients.

"Covid warriors who have been appointed by the state government are visiting the patients under home isolation under the supervision of the health department.They are checking the temperature, giving them medicines, providing oxygen support and checking oxygen levels with the pulse oxymeters, " sources said.

The health department also sends a 4.10-minute Whata sApp video to the patients when they are tested positive, to encourage them.

Darjeeling district deputy chief medical officer of health II, Dr Tulsi Pramanik, who is leading this system network, said many people returned to normal life after getting cured in home isolation. Dr Pramanik said there was nothing to worry even if the patients develop symptoms.

"People should not panic if symptoms develop, as the health department stands beside them for medical consultations, arrangement of ambulances, their hospitalization," he said.

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