Record 25 death, 850 new cases,  23837 confirmed cases, 7243 active cases in West Bengal

Record 25 death, 850 new cases, 23837 confirmed cases, 7243 active cases in West Bengal

KalimNews, Kalimpong, 7 July 2020: During the last 24 hours West Bengal reported recovery of cases equivalent to 66.24 percent. After recovery of the infection 555 recovered (1 day before- 524, 2 days before- 545)in the last 24 hours, while a total of 15790 (1 day before- 15235, days before- 14711) Covid patients are released from the hospital till today.

In the state 850 new cases (1 day before- 861, 2 days before- 895) as well as 25 death (1 day before- 22, 2 days before- 21) is recorded in the last 24 hours.

The total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is 23837 (1 day before- 22987, 2 days before- 22126) while active cases is 7243 (1 day before-6973, 2 days before-6658). The death toll from the disease in the state till now is 824 (1 day before- 779, 2 days before- 757).

WEST BENGAL New cases Confirmed Cases Active Cases Recovered
Total Today 824 850 23837 7243 15790
1 day before 779 861 22987 6973 15235
2 days before 757 895 22126 6658 14711
Today 25       555
1 day before 22       524
2 days before 21       545
WEST BENGAL SAMPLE TESTS Home quarantine Released Institutional quarantine Released
Total Today 562137 337424 298810 5294 99338
1 day before 552007 335810 294290 5605 99027
2 days before 541088 328579 287230 5690 98563
 Today 10130 38614      
1 day before  10919 41520      
2 days before 11016 41349      

The testing of swab samples for Covid-19 in 52, ICMR testing labs is being done and in the last 24 hours 10130 (1 day before-10919, 2 days before-11016) samples were tested that tally 562137 (1 day before- 552007, 2 days before- 541088) till now since day 1.   

In the last 24 hours, 38614 persons (1 day before- 41520, 2 days before- 41349) were under home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance and a total of 337424 persons (1 day before- 335810, 2 days before- 328579) were in the home quarantine/ observation/ surveillance till today.

Number of people released from home quarantine was 298810 (1 day before- 294290, 2 days before- 287230).

Currently in the 582 institutional government quarantine centres there are 5294 persons (1 day before- 5605, 2 days before- 5690) and so far from these centres 99338 persons (1 day before- 99027, 2 days before- 98563) were released after recovery.

Currently in the state there are 78 Hospitals dedicated for treating COVID-19, 25 Government Covid hospitals and 53 Private Covid-19 hospitals.

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