![Hooch link in deaths Hooch link in deaths](https://epaper.telegraphindia.com/xml/07122018-md-nb-8/07122018-md-nb-8-712201811500506.jpg)
Hooch link in deaths
While one of the deceased persons is Babul Karmakar, 40, the second one is yet to be identified. One of the alleged hooch dens ransacked by the mob.Picture by Passang Yolmo .
“ Karmakar used to drink regularly spurious liquor and did not have a permanent occupation. He came to his house (Wednesday) evening with his friend in a drunken condition. We saw his body lying at his hut this morning. His friend's body was found lying in front of Karmakar's relative house." said Sufal Karmakar, a neighbour of Karmakar.
The area is under Jalas-Nijamtara panchayat and located about 25km from Siliguri.
Local people said at least six hooch dens were operating at Madhujote of the locality.After the deaths, the villagers ransacked the dens.
“ We have requested police occupation to take necessary steps so that such things can be avoided in future," Rekha Singha Roy, head of the panchayat, said.
Phansidewa police said morning they had sent the bodies for postmortem to North Bengal Medical College and Hospital in Siliguri.
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