Gorkhaland, an emotional demand of the people of Hills: Roshan Giri
He said the development of the hills will now be done through GTA and various projects are in pipeline for the hills. He pointed out “GJM has not yet dropped the demand for a separate Gorkha state.”
He informed the meeting between the chief minister Mamata Banerjee and Bimal Gurung was fruitful and discussion was held on several issues. He further said, the oath taking ceremony for the chief of GTA will be held at Raj Bhawan, Kolkata on December 26, while on December 24 final announcement on the GTA chief will be made after a crucial meeting between the GTA members in Darjeeling.
Giri said that two tier Panchayat election in the hills will be held on the month of July next year. When asked about the three tier election he said it will only be possible after the amendment of the constitution.
When asked about GJM’s plan to fight for the upcoming parliamentary election he said they have not yet decided and regarding this there was no discussion held between the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee during Gurung’s visit to Kolkata.
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