A realisation in reality

A realisation in reality

Paul Rai, KalimNews, Kalimpong 25 December 2013:  Since the very beginning humans have strived for the best in order to survive and excel to rule the earth, be it the use of tools, language or fire. Science has made tremendous progress and little humans have performed miracles with their tiny brains if only 3% is used on an average. Still the unseen system prevails for one to fit in the cosmic program written with the ink of time to arrive at the destiny – to find nothing or something that comes in our path which due to some reasons unknown we call it fate.
However, God must be laughing – seeing mortal beings putting much effort to conquer the universe by taking giant-leap with a small step. In all the ages there were conflicts in supply and distribution, power and egos. The earth offered everything but due to the unquenchable (greedy) nature of humans the earth is being punished like Prometheus for the sake of saving the humanity. The greatest enemy of mankind is forgetfulness, the memory is like the wellspring wherein man finds his world. And if we say ‘we are all in all’, then we require no other sign of downfall because by nature we are dependable and it is the right moment for us to realize that the Sun does not rise or set, it is we revolving round it.
When the government fails to strike the right balance in the distribution system then we’ll have onion & salt chaos, and after a while everyone forgets as if it never happened. Ponzi schemes of sorts with record breaking loot will again air in the Medias, like any other event. Some xyz company, who is in the fields of hiring, squeezes a handsome amount from the people, and the victims land up at some petrol bunk job with limited food and no money for years in some part of Middle East, serves an excellent example of human trafficking. Minor girls are vanishing from remote villages. Someone with long beard disguises as a social worker, indeed who is the most wanted pimp in the city of Mumbai lures these little ones to be sold to some Kashmiri merchant and the same girls are spotted in Iran-Iraq border town after a few weeks of transaction. People of all hues come to exploit to the core, administration has some recurring work of report submission to get the entire month’s salary or for the sake of promotion, who cares? ‘Aids reached up the hills’ come as the head line – still promoting tourism to extreme level without any precautions or there are no checks for the migrant workers. Fridays on regular basis girls go down to Siliguri comes back on Monday – no awareness required because the society is becoming modern by transacting with the virus.
We were privileged to have Inner Line Permit (ILP) as a regulatory shield but unfortunately in the timeline we lost it. 60% of the population does not have the idea about Inner Line Permit and why this mandate is important to keep our hills safe from any harm. We have mountains and rivers and the hydel (power) projects are owned by others – still the houses are dark and we are slapped with exorbitant power bills. No idea when social work and journalism had become a money minting business for some selfish professionals in the world which brought shame to such novel professions. True edification of our environment begins when we realize our responsibility to protect it from any danger and to be a blazing example for ‘environmental science’. 
This election people of Delhi did not only come out of their houses to clean up the polluted environment but to be an example for the whole country to stand up for the right thing, whereas the entire message was against the corruption and increasing high prices. However, we can sense by assessing the desire of a common man to see the change, which is inevitable and constant. 
After 2000 most of the nations experienced some sort of political shake brought in by the quake of common people to bend down steel like administration in the countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Syria, (Russia, China and India to some extent), even in Darjeeling we have seen a massive uprising in 2007.
In these uprisings the role of the youth was the sole factor to break the tradition and ideology of monopolistic way of administration. It is very important to channelize the youth power in a right way. The Medias must come forward to educate the youth in order to help them understand the power and intelligence in them. Rather focusing only on muscle builders we need to collate the micro detailed info on how this force can be best harnessed. If one denies the youth factor in the present social and political scenario then it’s almost impossible to put a quality effort to bring about the change. 
It is very wise to say youth are the pillars of our future, while elders should have the initiative to embrace them for unified purpose.
It has been somewhat evident that most of the political parties have come to understand that it’s high time to transfer the command and the responsibilities to the young leaders. 
May be ten years down the lane we get to see 70% young leaders in Indian politics. In the recent Delhi election AAP has kicked off this trend to initiate the concept in practical manner, and also for “open politics”. As per the demographics of India, by 2025 India will be the most populous country in the world wherein the average age of an Indian would be 29 years, that means the youth percentage would be fair enough to cover the entire population. To lead the nation in the future we need a shift in the leadership to bring forth the young talent to the level of maturity. Although the shift is taking place slowly and steadily, it’s time that leader should beget a leader, and disciples should learn better mantras from the experienced and time tasted gurus. A lot of youth developmental projects are required in the hills to contain this energy. The source needs edification in order to sanctify the entire course of development. So that neither the taste nor the trials of various circumstances would let the cat out of the bag, this is to gain ones meditation or loyalty.
Those who think they are standing should be more careful because any moment they may fall and who is already fallen cannot fall rather they may rise to the level higher than where they were earlier. Before 2007 the then ruling party never thought that they would be brought down, every party member was as confident as a young lion, but what happened, it requires no description. It is very apparent to the naked eye that the heroism of yesteryears has been shattered in such a way that people are looking for a debate to whitewash the defeat which is another bitter pill to swallow. 
The message is clear: ‘not to underestimate the power of a common man’. The one who can make you king today, tomorrow the same may bring you down without mercy. While the ball is still rolling one must call for the right card that would further promote the purpose for which the one is chosen. 
Development is very-very essential at the micro level which is the source of all, and also the root of frustration amongst people in its absent. The people elect leader to develop them or bring changes in the system. The leader’s foremost quality is not his high speeches, it is the other way round, and that is listening to the voice of the people. 
The one who is a good audience to his own people seldom fails because he knows what to speak or what to do. And the moment people realizes the dedication and true call of leadership they will be as loyal as sheep. This is the trust factor where leader’s vision becomes the people’s passion and the will becomes the courage and then they realize Gandhi and his Legend.

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